Filter tester

Palas® WeChat Post cw11 MFP 3000 G
How strong is your filter? MFP 3000 G will tell you.
Do you know the performance of your filters or filter media in terms of fractional efficiency, differential pressure, dust holding capacity and gravimetric efficiency in suction mode? Find out.
For general ventilation air filters, the efficiency in particle removal is a key factor in evaluating how good the performance is. Many filter manufacturers for household air conditioners, household/commercial central air conditioners, and household/commercial ventilation systems are in urgent need of solutions to test their filter materials. With the Palas® MFP 3000 G filtration media tester specially for ISO 16890 you are able to easily and reliably monitor the performance and quality of your general ventilation air filter and filter medium.

ISO 16890 stipulates four new indices to measure the filter efficiency, which requires the measurement of different sizes of particles.

Filter tester Palas® MFP 3000 G Work and analyze according to the standards ISO 16890:
• Individual selection of testing sequences
• Exact definition of measurement conditions for each integrated device
• Flexible definition of measuring times and loading steps
• Individual analysis of the different pressure vs. airflow steps
• Detailed analysis of fractional efficiency for DEHS and KCL Aerosol
• Display of offset measurement without filter
• Sizing intervals according to ISO 16890
• Calculation of ISO ePM efficiency values
• Calculation of dust load and gravimetric efficiency for ISO Coarse filters
• Evaluation of the filter class ISO ePMx
• Printout of the test report and date transfer into text file

Flexible. Reliable. User-friendly.
With the MFP 3000 G you benefit from a high-performance and flexible solution for measurement of fractional separation efficiency and dust loading in high and low Aerosol concentrations. The pre-programmed measurement routines with defined test parameters allow producible international comparison of test results. The MFP 3000 G comes with a modular setup, supporting you with the ability to meet multiple standards, such as ISO 16890 and ISO 5011.

MFP 3000 G: Especially for the requirements of ISO 16890
The MFP 3000 G is equipped with multiple features for a reliable and easy filter testing.
Automatic switching between 3 Integrated Aerosol Generators
– RBG 1000 G for ISO 12103‐1 dust loading
– Newly developed Salt Generator : LSPG 16890 for KCl Particle (Minimum 500 counts in each size interval of the Aerosol measurement)
– Oil Generator PLG 1000 for DEHS droplets
3 Automatic Integrated Mass Flow Controller for Aerosol Generators
– Automatic and exact particle sizing with Promo® 3000 aerosol spectrometer and Aerosol Sensors welas® 2300 for low concentration to minimize loading during fractional efficiency testing
New: Easy operational software for measurement procedure and data evaluation according to ISO 16890

Info Box
Primary Performance Characteristics
• Virtually simultaneous particle measurement in the raw gas and clean gas
• Particle size measurements from 0.2 – 40 µm
• Measurement of Cn max= 4×104 particles/cm3 without dilution
• nternationally comparable measurement results
• High reproducibility of the testing method
• Easy use of different test aerosols, e.g. SAE Fine and Coarse, NaCl/KCl, DEHS
• Highest raw gas concentrations of up to > 70 mg/m3 (ISO Fine) or > 300 mg/m3 (ISO Coarse) with measurement of the fraction separation efficiency for burden tests